Atul Sanghi
Managing Director
Atul has an extensive breadth and depth of experience in operationalizing solutions in NYS's public sector.
He directly manages every one of our NYS projects. Atul delivers hands-on, day-to-day leadership to our teams and serves as our NYS clients' single point of contact. He is also the single point of contact for our NYS Prime Consultant Partners.
Atul is responsible for the career development of our staff and independent contractors. He makes all financial, contract, and staffing decisions for the firm. So, when our customers talk with Atul, they have a direct line to immediate firm-wide decision-making.
Atul is the founder and sole owner of Sanghi Consulting, Inc. He resides in Albany with his family and holds an MBA from SUNY Albany.
Atul's personal community service activities include mentoring individual families on their journeys to financial literacy and mentoring first-generation college students on their journeys to generational achievement.
Our Teams
We deliver NYS Best Value by building and deploying hybrid teams of expert independent consultants and in-house analysts. These hybrid teams utilize proven in-house methodologies and best practices to optimize quality, cost, and efficiency. Team delivery is intermediated by a high-touch client relationship maintained by Atul Sanghi.